Healthy Women X

Empowering Women for Health and Well-being

Month: July 2019

Tips to Protect Kids From Infectious Diseases During Monsoon

Monsoons definitely feel like a blessing after the scorching summer heat, but they also bring a lot of diseases. The cool and gentle breeze along with those rainy afternoons might be something your kid loves, but you also need to…

Uses of CBD Oil  

What is cbd oil and its uses? This is the question that rings to many peoples mind when they hear about CBD products. In full, CBD oil refers to cannabidiol oil. This oil is an extract from the hemp tree…

Ways to build your child’s immunity

Your little one may fall sick often, but you can reduce the number of their sick days by boosting their immunity. We outline a few ways to do this. Immunity is vital for all children, so that they can stave…

Non-surgical butt lift – the latest trend in cosmetic industry

Cosmetic treatments can do wonders to your body by working on the defective areas and rectifying them. When it comes to defining female beauty, buttocks play an important role in the same. Women with well-shaped and fuller buttocks definitely have…

Surgery Is The Best And Easiest Way To Perfect Looks

While there are quite a lot of people who are satisfied with their looks as they were lucky when it comes to their genetic code, there is a much bigger number of people who are not that lucky. If you…

Reshape Your Body With Some Of The Cosmetics Procedures

Getting rid of the fat tissue is never simple. While we can make changes in some body parts, others seem like are impossible to change. That can be belly, thighs, arms or buttocks. When you had enough of hard exercises…

Great Surgery Options To Enhance Your Natural Beauty

As we all know, there are many different plastic surgery procedures that would help enhance your appearance, and thus if there is anything you might not be satisfied with, you should take that into consideration. With so many options by…

Things Every Hormone Doctor Wants You To Know

You’re being hormonal! An accusation bestowed on almost everyone at one point of their lives or another. The genetic aspect that is to blame for almost any exaggerated feeling one may possess, be it hunger, anger, or even uncontrollable lust….

Things That You Need To Know Before You Squeeze Acne

Acne is one of those skin problems that seven out of ten persons suffer with. It happens when the hair follicles of your skin jams with dead skin cells and oil extracted from the surface. Thus, the residue that deposits…

What Causes Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Located at the upper and lower back of the mouth, wisdom teeth Burke or third molars are the last set of teeth that will come out or erupt. Experts say that these teeth erupt when a person is around 17…